Our Story
Troy Brewer is the founding and senior pastor of OpenDoor Church in Burleson, Texas. He is known for his relevant and authentic teachings, amazing insights, and studies on the wonders of God including astronomy, numbers, typology, and times and seasons. He has a radical love for Jesus and a passion for serving people beyond the norm.
As a sixth generation Texan and descendant of Henry Brewer, who fought at the battle of San Jacinto, Troy also has a passion for all things Texas. Troy has been married to his beautiful wife, Leanna, since 1989, has four grown children and six grandchildren.
Troy has a passion for “reaching Christians for Jesus” and is seen by a world-wide Internet audience every Sunday and Wednesday from OpenDoor Church. His unique style and revelatory perspective brings clear and simple understanding to complex Kingdom issues and principles. He likes to say he has the “gift of realness,” and that ability helps him reach both the lost and the saved with the transformational teachings of Jesus Christ.
Troy is a one-of-a-kind Christ follower – a true extension of the arms of Jesus. He is a servant whose greatest desire is to bring the authenticity of Jesus and the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven into the lives of people around the world.
An offshoot of OpenDoor Church, Troy Brewer Ministries encompasses Troy’s media and musical efforts to reach the lost and free the enslaved worldwide.
In an effort to make his teachings available to all, Troy launched his subscription-based internet television service, ODX.TV. It provides 24/7 access to all Troy’s sermon series, conferences, School of Prophecy, School of Ministry and exclusive content. For more information, log on to ODX.TV Pastor Troy has guest hosted several episodes during the final season of the popular syndicated program “Dreams and Mysteries with John Paul Jackson,”.
TBM International Missions
Troy is not just a sender, but a goer to the nations. He leads teams to Africa, India, Nepal, Colombia, Mexico and other nations as needed. He teaches pastor’s conferences, worship conferences, prophetic and church building conferences all over the world. He has spoken personally to Sir Richard Branson of the B.V.I., and has visited with his Highness Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II, King of Buganda (Uganda). TBM will continue to have a heart for the nations and for the people it is in relationship with who are making a big difference throughout the world.
Each year, the OpenDoor Food Bank, which Troy started out of the back of his truck in 1992, gives away over 5 million pounds of food to more than 60,000 documented recipients in Johnson County, Texas alone. That vision has expanded to monthly food outreaches in Walnut Springs, Texas, where another 15,000 people are helped with food annually.
Troy also enjoys caring for the homeless at the ongoing homeless outreach he started over 30 years ago. OpenDoor volunteers serve hot meals, distribute clothing and bring the hope of Jesus to the hurting in downtown Fort Worth year round.
TBM is actively working with orphans and vulnerable children in Mexico, India, Columbia, and Uganda. Troy and Leanna have traveled the globe establishing villages in some of the most remote, dark corners of the world. Through SPARK Worldwide, the ministry Leanna founded to Serve Protect And Raise Kids at seven orphanages on five continents, Troy and his partners bring hope and the Gospel of Jesus by building schools, churches, medical clinics, water wells and orphanages for the poorest of the poor.
A modern-day abolitionist, Troy has a holy hatred for slavery. In an effort to redeem as many girls and boys as he can from the horrors of sex trafficking, his ministry pays the debts of sex slaves in India, Nepal and Belize, setting them free in every way.
Troy Brewer Ministries gives these precious young ladies food, shelter and the medical care they and their children need, then sets their feet on a path of salvation through Jesus. Troy also provides vocational training or college classes so these girls can sustain their newfound freedom.
Though he is no longer writing his popular weekly newspaper column “Fresh from the Brewer,” Troy’s addiction to ink continues. He has written 10 books, all available by clicking the STORE tab, and offers a free email devotional “The Daily Transformation” to thousands of subscribers across the globe. To sign up, text OPENDOOR to 444999
Troy Brewer Ministries is actively involved in benevolence for single moms, back to school supplies for poor children, Christmas gifts for thousands of families, emergency aid to people in crises, homes for orphans, and much much more. Troy and his tribe will do all they can to introduce Jesus as “The Balm of Gilead” – the great healer.
Troy teaches conferences on various subjects throughout the year, throughout the world and is known internationally for his powerful teaching and gift for humor.
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